About Our Club

    ​The Stirling Curling Club was founded in 1965 in a hockey rink on Henry Street. In 1977 the club moved into its own building on West Front Street and has continued there ever since. ​ SCC holds numerous popular bonspiels including the Cheese ‘Spiel, the annual Farmers and Over 200, and the Ladies’ St. Patrick’s Day ‘Spiel. Our most competitive event is the Men’s Skins ‘Spiel is held in March each year and boasts a total purse of approximately $15,000.

    The club is a four-sheet facility with an upstairs and downstairs viewing area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a lounge to socialize and spend time after curling. We have a variety of membership levels, one that we're sure will suit you. ​

    The Stirling Curling Club plays a large role in the community at large. In addition to being a social hub through the winter, in the summer we provide facilities for dances, weddings and other special events. ​

    Curling is an exciting, challenging (yet easy to learn), fun, and inexpensive winter activity. We love newcomers, so consider joining us and have FUN!

    Good Curling!!

    Stirling Curling Club Constitution and Bylaws

    Upcoming Events

    25 Sep 2024;
    06:00PM - 08:00PM
    In-Person Curling Registration

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